Bellbird Bonnie

Meet the Korimako, the feathered maestro of New Zealand, with its quirky curved bill, tail that's all the rage, and a melodic tune that could make any forest stage!

Watch the Korimako gracefully hop from one flower to another, savouring sweet nectar like a culinary connoisseur. But this bird isn't merely indulging in a meal; it's a matchmaker for plants, orchestrating botanical speed dating sessions that increase the chances of successful plant reproduction. Picture the Korimako as Mother Nature's avian cupid, armed with feathers and love arrows!

And that's not all – our Korimako pals are multitasking pollinators. They lend a helping beak to many other plants in New Zealand, from legumes to native shrubs. By doing so, they amp up the genetic diversity in these plant populations, making them tough cookies in the face of diseases and environmental challenges.

Now, a quick encore of Korimako facts:

  • They're like the solo act in their genus and family in New Zealand – true originals! A genus is a group of closely related species that share common characteristics and ancestry. The Chatham bellbird is other bird that was in this genus, which is now extinct.
  • These homegrown stars are found all over, from the North to the South Islands.
  • Their song? It's like a symphony of bells ringing all at once – a forest's melodic soundtrack.
  • In the wild, they strut their stuff for a good 6 to 8 years.
  • And when they're not sipping nectar, they're gobbling up all sorts of invertebrate prey. They also feed on fruit and tree sap.

Plants to attract Korimako

  • Kowhai
  • Cabbage Tree
  • Pōhutukawa
  • Flax
  • Five-finger
  • Rātā
  • Tree fuchsia

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bellbird Bonnie thumbnail
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